Laphria {genus} - Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Asilidae; Laphriinae; Laphriini;

BOLD Stats

Specimen Records: 479 Public Records: 436
Specimens with Sequences: 456 Public Species: 34
Specimens with Barcodes: 429 Public BINs: 34
Species: 36          
Species With Barcodes: 34          

Contributors (Specimens & Sequencing)

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs


images representing subtaxa of Laphria
 (Laphria asackeni - BIOUG19533-D11)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2015) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria astur - JMCA-0732)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2016) Jim Moore Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria asturina - 10-SKAS-073)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria aurea - UM_AAFF_00256)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) Benoit Nabholz Universite Montpellier  (Laphria canis - BIOUG00965-H06)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria columbica - 10-SKAS-150)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria divisor - 09BBDIP-0197)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2009) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria engelhardti - UAIC1138442)  @11 [ ] by (2021) Wendy Moore University of Arizona Insect Collection  (Laphria ephippium - UZSAV217)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2023) Martin Secansky Slovak National Museum-Natural History Museum
 (Laphria felis - UAIC1138443)  @11 [ ] by (2021) Wendy Moore University of Arizona Insect Collection  (Laphria fernaldi - 10-SKAS-171)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria ferox - 10-SKAS-052)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria flava - NHMO10069672)  @14 [ ] No Rights Reserved (2013) Unspecified Univeristy of Oslo, Natural History Museum  (Laphria flavicollis - 10-SKAS-132)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria franciscana - CBG-A27561-G12)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Share - Alike (2024) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria gibbosa - JKA12-0009)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial (2012) Marko Mutanen University of Oulu  (Laphria grossa - 10-SKAS-087)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria index - BIOUG01359-B03)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2012) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria insignis - 08BBDIP-1006)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2008) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria janus - 10BBCDIP-1922)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria littoralis - 10-SKAS-090)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria n. sp - 10-SKAS-075)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria partitor - 10-SKAS-146)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria posticata - 10BBCDIP-1916)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria royalensis - CCDB-35915-F12)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2020) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria sadales - 10BBCDIP-1932)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria scorpio - BIOUG08774-F02)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2016) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria sericea - CCDB-23500-C08)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2015) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria sicula - BIOUG03681-E03)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2013) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria signatipes - CCDB-31120-H11)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2017) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Laphria thoracica - BIOUG21365-F01)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2015) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria ventralis - BIOUG07588-D09)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2015) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Laphria winnemana - 10-SKAS-062)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
  Sample ID:
CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010)
  License Holder:
Unspecified, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics

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