Eucalyptus doratoxylon {species} - Tracheophyta; Magnoliopsida; Myrtales; Myrtaceae; Eucalyptus;

Eucalyptus doratoxylon, commonly known as the spearwood mallee, spearwood or geitch-gmunt in Noongar language is a species of mallee that is endemic to Western Australia. It has smooth, powdery white bark, lance-shaped to curved adult leaves mostly arranged in opposite pairs, flower buds in groups of seven, white to pale yellow flowers and pendulous, more or less spherical fruit. full article at Wikipedia

Specimen Records: 1 Public Records: 1
Specimens with Sequences: 1 Public Species: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 0 Public BINs: 0
Species: 1          
Species With Barcodes: 0          

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