Imperatoria {genus} - Tracheophyta; Magnoliopsida; Apiales; Apiaceae;

Peucedanum is a genus of flowering plant in the carrot family, Apiaceae. Peucedanum boasts a global presence with diverse spread of morphological features. Peucedanum species are characterized by dorsally compressed mericarps, slightly prominent dorsal ribs, narrowly winged lateral ribs, and a broad commissure. However, the vast diversity of morphology, fruit forms, and phytochemical production makes classifying species in the Peucedanum challenging. Historically relevant in traditional medicine, Peucedanum's taxonomic complexity arises from its extensive diversity. Peucedanum's taxonomy is being reshaped by novel genomic insights, prompting ongoing revisions with promising implications for ethnopharmacological research and the broader understanding of plant biodiversity. These efforts hold potential for advancements in therapeutic discoveries and contribute to the ecological significance of this globally diverse genus. full article at Wikipedia

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