Psilocybe arcana {species} - Basidiomycota; Agaricomycetes; Agaricales; Strophariaceae; Psilocybe;

Psilocybe serbica is a species of mushroom in the family Hymenogastraceae. The mushroom contains the psychotropic compounds psilocybin and psilocin, and also related tryptamine alkaloids baeocystin, norbaeocystin, and aeruginascin. It is closely related to Psilocybe aztecorum. It was reported as new to science by Meinhard Moser and Egon Horak in 1969. Molecular analysis published in 2010 has shown that P. serbica is the same species as Psilocybe bohemica described by Šebek in 1983, Psilocybe arcana described by Borovička and Hlaváček in 2001, and Psilocybe moravica by Borovička in 2003. Psilocybe serbica is common in Central Europe. full article at Wikipedia

Specimen Records: 2 Public Records: 2
Specimens with Sequences: 2 Public Species: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 2 Public BINs: 0
Species: 1          
Species With Barcodes: 1          

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