Buthus {genus} - Arthropoda; Arachnida; Scorpiones; Buthidae;

Buthus is a genus of scorpion belonging and being eponymous to the family Buthidae. It is distributed widely across northern Africa, including Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, as well as the Middle East, including Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and possibly Saudi Arabia and southern Turkey. Its European range includes the Iberian Peninsula, southern France, and Cyprus. full article at Wikipedia

Specimen Records: 670 Public Records: 414
Specimens with Sequences: 676 Public Species: 32
Specimens with Barcodes: 130 Public BINs: 53
Species: 33          
Species With Barcodes: 21          

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs
images representing subtaxa of Buthus
 (Buthus occitanus - UM_ABIH_0082)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2022) Quentin Fort Universite Montpellier
  Sample ID:
by-nc-sa (2022)
  License Holder:
Quentin Fort, Universite Montpellier

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