Metopoceras {genus} - Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Noctuidae; Oncocnemidinae;

Specimen Records: 71 Public Records: 38
Specimens with Sequences: 57 Public Species: 14
Specimens with Barcodes: 50 Public BINs: 7
Species: 15          
Species With Barcodes: 15          

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs
images representing subtaxa of Metopoceras
 (Metopoceras albarracina - AOC Lep 00746)  @14 [ ] Copyright (2014) Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (ZSM) Universidad de Murcia  (Metopoceras driss - BC ZSM Lep 114752)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2022) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)  (Metopoceras felicina - AOC Lep 00126)  @14 [ ] Copyright (2014) Axel Hausmann/Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (ZSM) Universidad de Murcia  (Metopoceras felicinaDS01Mo - BC_ZSM_Lep_114935)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2022) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
 (Metopoceras ioptera - RMNH.5010045)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014) Unspecified Naturalis, Biodiversity Centre (Metopoceras khalildja - AOC Lep 00750)  @13 [ ] Copyright (2014) Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (ZSM) Universidad de Murcia (Metopoceras omar - RMNH.5010044)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014) Unspecified Naturalis, Biodiversity Centre (Metopoceras popovi - BC ZSM Lep 113131)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2021) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
 (Metopoceras sp. AOC01 - AOC Lep 02301)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2022) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified (Metopoceras sp. AOC02 - AOC Lep 02302)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2022) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified (Metopoceras sp. AOC03 - AOC Lep 02303)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2022) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified (Metopoceras sp. AOC04 - AOC Lep 02237)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2021) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified
 (Metopoceras sp. AOC05 - AOC Lep 02238)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2021) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified (Metopoceras sp. AOC06 - AOC Lep 02239)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2021) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified (Metopoceras tabernas - AOC Lep 02049)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2021) A.S. Ortiz Unspecified
  Sample ID:
AOC Lep 02049
Copyright (2021)
  License Holder:
A.S. Ortiz, Unspecified

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